Python TensorFlow NLP Guided Project - BERT classifies Financial News Sentiment DistilBert Lvl.6
TensorFlow Python Guided Project - Not Your Grandma's Titanic Classification Functional API Deep
TensorFlow Python Guided Project -Not your Grandpas Titanic Classification 3 TensorFlow APIs 22mlvl4
Python TensorFlow Tips -When to use Sparse Categorical Crossentropy vs Categorical Crossentropy loss
Python TensorFlow NLP Guided Project Name generator - Indian God & Anime name generator, lvl 4, 20m
TensorFlow Simple Multiclass Computer Vision Guided Project Python - Dessert Classification 24m, L3
TensorFlow Simple MultiClass NLP prediction - Poem classification, level 2, 21 min
Python Simple Computer Vision Guided Project TensorFlow - Pneumonia Prediction, Level 2, 21 min
TensorFlow Simple NLP Sarcasm Prediction LSTM Deep Learning Guided Project in Python
Python Deep Learning Guided Project- LSTM Stock Prediction part 4, Tensorflow Functional, Lvl6 46min
Python Deep Learning Tips - How to Buil a Feed Forward Network in Tensorflow with the Sequential API
Python Deep Learning Tips - How to Buil a Perceptron in Tensorflow with the Sequential API
Python Deep Learning Guided Project Tensorflow -Employment Classification ML as baseline, lvl3, 27m
Python Computer Vision Guided Project - Tensorflow Rock Paper Scissor, Level 4, 35 minutes
LSTM Google Stock Prediction part 2 -Seasonal Decomposition Time SeriesLevel 2, 22 minutes
Python Stock Market Prediction with LSTM Neural Network Guided Project Part 1, Level 1, 18 min
NLP Sentiment Prediction Tensorflow Guided Project. Predict rating from TripAdvisor Level 5 31min
LSTM stock prediction deep learning guided project Part 3 - level 5, 29 min