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Python Data Analysis Tips PairGrid Seaborn why to use a PairGrid vs pairplot in Seaborn

Updated: Aug 21, 2023

learn to use the pairgrid in seaborn, like the pairplot it plots bivariate plots of multiple features at a time, pairgrid allows you to control and add in swarmplots residplots and many others for more insightful data analytics

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seaborn, python, data analysis, analysis, PairGrid, analyze, statical analysis, distribution
PairGrid in Python with Seaborn

Seaborn's PairGrid gives a lot more flexibility than the simpler-to-use pairplot. Here we show how to use the PairGrid to do regression plots with swarmplot and residplot to plot the residuals of the regression. The PairGrid then allows us to plot both sides of the bi-variate regression giving high-level regression analytics and understanding.

seaborn, python, data analysis, analysis, pairgrid, analyze, statical analysis, distribution
PairGrid in python with Seaborn

Here we start off the PairGrid in it's basic form. First we assign it to an object and the call. map_diag to change the diagonal univariate plot in the PairGrid. Then we use .map_upper and .map_lower to map the bi-variate plots we'd like to see in the upper and lower quadrant.

seaborn, python, data analysis, analysis, Pairgrid, analyze, statical analysis, distribution
PairGrid in python with Seaborn

Then in our Seaborn PairGrid we plot a Seaborn lineplot and Seaborn kdeplot using .map_lower and .map_upper in our bivariate analysis and then Seaborn histplot in our univariate anlaysis using the .map_diag function in our PairGrid.

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