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Midjourney Color prompts

In this section, we explore the world of color using various Midjourney Color prompts to change and experiment with the color palette.  As always we wil be using out Panda guinea pig in an ode to the Pandas Python Library, a staple for data science.  We can have a little more fun with color here than we were allowed to in art class.  There is no mess to clean up, which is good because there would be a lot of pandas who drowned in insane vibrant color palettes.   What if the color wasn't just a physical object like paint what if I could become part of the art itself?  Explore Midjourney color prompts and become immersed in color with the text-to-image prompts.


Without the risk of making a mess or dealing with an unhappy panda we take to greater creative liberty instead of giving equal portion panda and equal portion prompt we play with the intensity of the color prompt to generate images that are many times more color than the panda.


The free learning material is designed to teach the effect of subtle differences in the prompt can significantly change the final image generated.   We can use the :: symbol with Midjourney to break up prompts which easily allows us to control the weight of each prompt or we can decide to give only one longer prompt.  What is the effect of each prompt? We will take a look at each way of giving a prompt as we color palette and intensity.


Using our test subject Pandas in honor of the Pandas DataFrame. Prompts will be given as:


panda::1 color::1

panda::1 color::2


panda color

panda color color


How we choose to engineer the prompt has a substantial effect on the final image but it's sometimes not obvious until we try and experiment and create our own Ai generated Images.


The effect can also be very different for each version of Midjourney.  The newer versions are able to handle more complex prompts making the choice more subtle.  We then will also look at Midjourney models 4, 5.2, and 6.  Given as a parameter will make our final prompts look like this:


panda::1 color::1 --v 6


In the free Midjourney Prompt Engineering Guide, we wanted to show the effect of each word so we are keeping our prompts simple and using the same subject for each image as a guide for future Ai artists to use as the develop their prompt engineering skills.

Color Prompts

panda1 insane colors1

model version



free midjourney prompt user guided color free prompt


panda::1 insane colors::1 --v 4

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panda::1 insane colors::1 --v 5.2


model 6 midjourney how to use model 6 to control color

panda::1 insane colors::1 --v 6

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panda insane colors --v 4

for free learn how to control midjourney model 5.2 learn about the color prompts

panda insane colors --v 5.2

new Midjourney model free prompt examples to control color and examples to show their affect gratis educational

panda insane colors --v 6

model version




1 part panda, 2 parts insane colors

model version



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panda::1 insane colors::2 --v 4

free midjourney prompt color guide how to color prompt for free Midjourney gratis colors how to prompt engineer

panda::1 insane colors::2 --v 5.2


a tool for beginners learning how to prompt engineer in Midjourney a guided for those learning how to generated images, a free user guide for beginners

panda::1 insane colors::2 --v 6

learning to engineer prompts regarding the colors of the images you want to generate is important learn at DataSimple midjourney prompt guide free for beginners to image generation


panda insane colors insane colors --v 4

free image generation user guide here learn how to engineer color prompts Midjourney

panda insane colors insane colors --v 5.2

prompt engineering user guide for how to create color palettes in midjourney color has such an important effect in generate images learn to subtly control colors in Midjourney prompts for free

panda insane colors insane colors --v 6

model version




2 part panda, 5 parts insane colors

model version



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panda::2 insane colors::5 --v 4

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panda::2 insane colors::5 --v 5.2


learn how to engineer color prompts for image generation donated by

panda::2 insane colors::5 --v 6

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panda panda insane colors insane colors insane colors insane colors insane colors --v 4

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panda panda insane colors insane colors insane colors insane colors insane colors --v 5.2

color prompt engineering guide for midjourney

panda panda insane colors insane colors insane colors insane colors insane colors --v 6

model version




1 part panda, 1 part vibrant colors

model version



text to image color prompt midjourney


panda::1 vibrant colors::1 --v 4

midjourney color prompt user guided free how to prompt engineer

panda::1 vibrant colors::1 --v 5.2


prompt engineering used guide for midjourney

panda::1 vibrant colors::1 --v 6

model version




vibrant color prompt for midjourney learn how to control colors in different models


panda vibrant colors --v 4

what is the affect of different colors on a midjourney model

vibrant colors panda  --v 5.2

midjourney balancing the weights in your prompt

panda vibrant colors  --v 6

1 part panda 2 parts vibrant colors

model version



text to image example mijourney color prompt


panda::1 vibrant colors::2 --v 4

midjourney image generation prompt weight color higher

panda::1 vibrant colors::2 --v 5.2


prompt more weight on vibrant colors

panda::1 vibrant colors::2 --v 6

model version




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panda vibrant colors  vibrant colors--v 4

using weights in midjourney to control color prompt

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2 part panda 5 parts vibrant colors

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1 part panda 1 part abstract neon

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1 part panda 1 part soft colors

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Hard Colors

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Color Gradient

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orange Ai generation text to image prompt

Black and White

black and white text prompt for image generation

Vivid Colors

text prompt for midjourney vivid colors
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